Saturday, June 8, 2013

ALT/ako - The legend

Kia Hiwa Ra!

Your homeland is exploding! The eruptions have become so bad that it is no longer possible to remain. The Queen of Volcanoes, Te Puia-Ririnui shakes and burns the island to its very core. His Majesty King Uenuku, the Rainbow King has ordered all people to evacuate.

For two centuries, successive rulers have sent out explorers to find new islands to settle. When good land has been found the king has sent parties of people to colonise those places. The legendary explorer Kupe has returned just in time telling of a wonderful new homeland to the south called Aotearoa.

Your Ocean Waka will be one of the very last to leave. You may take only your most valued taonga what will it be? Your grandmother refuses to abandon the island, what will you do about her? And what about Taniwhawherowhero your beloved pet komodo dragon? He is much too large to take aboard...

Kia tere! - The great conch horn is sounding out from the palace. It's time to leave!

(Courtesy of the ALT/ako System August 2012)

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